Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

(At least I have somewhere where I'll fit in)

Just a quickie today, as all the holiday craziness is starting to descend and I'm worried about suffocation.

1) I've got almost all Christmas shopping done. I still have to finish making a lot of homemade gifts, but I'm hoping to finish those soon. At least, that's what I keep telling myself....

2) Really good counseling session yesterday.

3) Two days without waking up with a panic attack. Whoo hoo!

4) Someone from Freecycle is going to cart away our stove that's been collecting dust and dirt outside for months!

5) Lots of Christmas candy and cookies in the office lately. Yum!

6) Found the camera I thought I'd lost.

7) Less homework to deal with so close to the holidays.

8) The pharmacy finally took my card that gives me up to 12 months of a certain prescription for free!!

9) All week I've been getting really good advice from good friends; you have no idea how much you've helped!

10) Only two days of work next week. Now that's something to celebrate!

(image source)

1 comment:

Crayl said...

Good list. I've been working twice as much as usual, so I am behind in reading (and writing posts too!)
