Ashley at Domestic Fashionista is hosting a Top Ten Moments in 2010 party!
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the new year and race ahead to new goals and projects. It's important, though, to look back and savor the good times and to see how far we've come.
There aren't pictures for all of my best moments of this past year because they were often unplanned and therefore perfect because of their simplicity.
#10. I took a couple of classes this year that I really liked and made some good friends in them. Don't you just love new friendships?
#9. Certain events caused me to get back in touch with old friends. It was wonderful to catch up with them.
#8. I found some great new blogs to read, including ones that make me laugh til I cry like Hyperbole and a Half, and ones where I've made new bloggy friends like Winny at No Extended Warranty.
#7. We went to Ralph's family reunion and I met about a hundred more people in his family.
#6. I enjoyed watching the boys play football for the first time. (First time for me watching; they've played before.) It was great to see them doing something they LOVE.
#5. We added another quadruped to our menagerie.

#4. The holiday season was wonderfully relaxing and not even nearly as stressful as what I built them up to be in my head. Lots of lessons learned from this.
#3. Ralph and I really focused on spending quality time together. These moments with each other have made a huge difference.
#2. My baby brother got married!

One more?
What was it?
Oh yeah....
#1. We eloped!

Didn't see that one comin' didja?

And just for fun, here's one of my favorite Letterman Top Ten Lists. I'm not sure if I like it because I'm a native Californian or because I have the maturity of a thirteen-year-old boy. I'm betting on the latter. [Wear headphones if you have little ears listening.]
Sounds like a wonderful year!
Oh how wonderful! You look radiant and beautiful, and all the men look so handsome. :)
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